Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The REALITY of some shit!!..Mother to son..

Already told me..that you know..Santa is not real..so I knew I had to..kick it to you..straight no chaser..about what is going to take place son..cable is going off soon..so is the computer too..but u can focus more on ur studies..so you don't end up..like I do..lights are still on..for now..I have stripped Peter and Paul..so I do not know how..but I will keep the water running..to wash away your own little burdens..that we often..speak about..pennies have been pinched..and the loaners..have said no..more..can we give you..but imma do the best..that I can do..to make sure you are not b.l.u. even when that morning comes..and there is no light..it will turn on the one..in my heart..if I can make you smile..so bright..Love Mommy,

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